

class Box : public StaticRect


Box is a widget that contains a matrix of child widgets arranged horizontally and vertically in a grid that is dynamically adjusted proportionally or following the output of Function.depending on box dimensions.



Constructor Detail


No constructor included.


Public Member List


Box& Add(Ctrl& ctrl, int row, int col)

Adds a new ctrl , located at row and col  .The control dimensions are re-scaled automatically.



void Clear()

Clear all data and sets the size to zero.



int GetRows()

Returns the number of rows.



int GetCols()

Returns the number of columns.



Box& SetWidths(const Vector<int>& t)

Sets the width of each column. The size of t is the number of columns.

By default, the width is 1000.



Box& SetWidth(int id, int width)

Sets the width of column id.



Box& SetHeights(const Vector<int>& t)

Sets the height of each row. The size of t is the number of rows.

By default, the height is 1000.



Box& SetHeight(int id, int height)

Sets the height of row id.



Function<void (int, int, Vector<int>&)> WhenWidths

This function is called when the ctrl is redimensioned.

The arguments are the real width and height of the ctrl, and a Vector with the width of each column, in the same scale that the width and height of the ctrl.



Function<void (int, int, Vector<int>&)> WhenHeights

This function is called when the ctrl is redimensioned.

The arguments are the real width and height of the ctrl, and a Vector with the height of each row, in the same scale that the width and height of the ctrl.