

class StaticArrow : public CtrlFrame


As seen in layout designer:



As seen in program:



StaticArrow shows an arrow.



Constructor Detail



Initializes StaticArrow.



Public Member List



StaticArrow& SetWidth(int w)

Sets the arrow line width w in pixels.



StaticArrow& SetColor(Color c)

Sets the arrow color c.



StaticArrow& SetOrientation(int o)

Sets the arrow orientation o. Valid orientation values are OrVert, OrHor, OrNW_SE, OrSW_NE, OrNW_SE_HVH, OrSW_NE_HVH, OrNW_SE_VHV, OrSW_NE_VHV.



StaticArrow& SetOrientation(String o)

Sets the arrow orientation o. Valid orientation values are "|", "\\", "-", "/", "┐_", "_┌", "└┐" and "┌┘".




StaticArrow& SetEnds(int e)

Sets the arrow ends e. Valid ends values are EndLeft, EndRight, EndLeftRight, NoEnd.



StaticArrow& SetEnds(String e)

Sets the arrow ends e. Valid ends values are "<-", "->", "<->" and "-".