Integral: Numerical resolution of definite integrals



Numerical definite integration of a series of points.

Integration schemes included are:



Trapezoidal integration


Simpson's 1/3 rule with a correction  if the number of points is even.


Simpson's 3/8 rule with a correction if the number of points is not a multiple of three.


Hermite's rule with a three points difference scheme to approximate endpoints derivatives.


Hermite's rule with a five points difference scheme to approximate endpoints derivatives.


Integral obtained by interpolation with a natural spline


In addition, an implementation of the Filon quadrature is included.



Wikipedia Simpson's rule

"An Invitation to Hermite’s Integration and Summation: A Comparison between Hermite’s and Simpson’s Rules", V. Lampret. SIAM REVIEW Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 311–328 (2004)

"Hermite versus Simpson: the Geometry of Numerical Integration", Andy Long and Cliff Long., (2010)

Wikipedia Filon quadrature

"An algorithm for Filon quadrature"



template <class Range, class TT Integral(const Range &x, const Range &y, IntegralType type = TRAPEZOIDAL)

Obtains the numerical integration of data series defined by points (x, y), using the integration schema defined with type.



template <class Range, class TT Integral(const Range &y, T dx, IntegralType type = TRAPEZOIDAL)

Obtains the numerical integration of data series defined by points y, separated dx between them, using the integration schema defined with type.



template <Range> typename Range::value_type IntegralSinCos(typename Range::value_type xfrom, typename Range::value_type dx, const Range& f, typename Range::value_type t, bool iscos)

Obtains the numerical integration of data series from xfrom, equidistant separated dx, and whose y is, depending on iscos flag:

iscos is true:    f·cos(x·t)

iscos is false:    f·sin(x·t)

It uses Filon quadrature.